


(All forms, rules, teams/rosters, pictures, payments, and donations are on this link)


  1. Players must be baptized in the Coptic Orthodox Church or intend to be baptized by the Abounas knowledge in the Coptic Church within the next year.

  2. Take Communion regularly in the Coptic Orthodox Church

  3. Player must attend the liturgy on the day of the game or Sunday

  4. Players must be female within the ages of 13-17 years old.

  5. Once a player is registered under a certain church they may not switch to any other teams during the season for any reason (unless given permission by the board)

  6. After registration deadline ends and money is turned in, no reimbursement can be received back.


  1. No open toe sandals, flip flops or heels on the court. Tennis shoes will only be allowed.

  2. Shirts must not be sleeveless or tube tops.

  3. No spandex shorts allowed. Shorts must be at knee length or Âľ down thighs.

  4. No crop tops.

  5. Team jerseys highly recommended!

  6. Knee pads recommended, not required.


  1. Audience/non-players are not allowed on the court during the match

  2. All players must be present 5 mins before their game to check-in at the Admin table (failure to check-in 5 mins before will result in the opposing team GETTING THE STARTING BALL without coin toss)

  3. Captains will meet with ref before the game for rock paper scissors best out of three, to decide who will receive/start.


  1. A point will be given after each play. Rally Scoring.

  2. Games will go up to 15 points, or 10 points if pushed to a third set.

a. In order to win a set, must win by 2 points

  1. Team must win 2 out of a possible 3 sets

SPIRITUAL FOULS: (including players, parents, and team spiritual fouls)

  1. Any play deemed to be unChristian will be penalized with a spiritual foul. This includes but not limited to: trash-talking, verbal or physical assault, vulgarity, arguing with officials, and flagrant fouls.

(Ex. Cannot talk on the serves so as to distract the other team, parents/players arguing with referees, foul language, etc. Teams cannot collectively argue with the ref, it is up to the Rep to speak to them by themselves.)

  1. After the first foul, the player is out for 10 minutes (maybe longer depending on the situation with the player and how coach sees fit, but at least 10 minutes).

  1. After the second foul, the player will be asked to leave the current game.

  1. After the third foul, the player will be asked to leave the current game and receive a one-game suspension. The player will also be required to speak with Abouna before returning to play in future games.


  1. When the team collectively argues with other teams, players, or ref on anything. Consequence: each player involved will get counted a spiritual foul.


  1. Speak to the parents ahead of time before the game, warning them in advance on why this is important. First, second, and third time it should be a warning, and the ref or coordinator speaks to the parent. Fourth time they will get asked to leave. Note: Sometimes players get upset at their own parents so further escalation will go to Abouna.

(The ANCWU Coordinator and Ref collectively initiate spiritual fouls. In order to gain a better understanding of the situation to prevent further unnecessary escalation, only the rep from the team can speak with the ANCWU Coordinator and ref while Assistant helps maintain their team)


  1. Representative of the church who has the final say on their team's decisions. The only person who can communicate with the coordinator and ref if there are discrepancies with regards to a play and speaks on behalf of the team. Responsible for making sure the team is aware of the rules of the league.


  1. Involved in helping the Reps, but they do not get final say or communicate disputes with coordinator ref. Can help in tasks ahead of time relating to the service, the day of, and coaching.


  1. Someone chosen by the committee and has a clear understanding of the rules.

  2. In charge of writing down the score on records sheet


  1. In charge of displaying the score according to the referee's judgment. Does not listen to any outside opinions/audiences other than the coordinator and ref.

Coaches/Captains/Committee Representatives MUST communicate with team members about the importance of not arguing during the league and overall recap players on the point of this Christian league. Rules should be discussed with teams prior to entering the first day of games!

Any issues with regards to points, calls, etc MUST be addressed at the moment and not after the game.


  1. Substitutions may be made at any time, but must be initiated by the ref.

  2. No substitutions on the serve and it must be initiated by the ref so they are aware.

  3. Unlimited amount of substitutions in a game, but again each player has to play at least once during the entire game.

  4. Substitutions must be quick and not delay the game.


  1. Players rotate clockwise

  2. Libero (back center player #6**) is allowed to stay in the same position without rotation if they want to

  3. After the serve, front line players only may switch positions at the net

  4. Cannot serve out of order (serve according to rotation)

  5. Cannot serve without the ref initiating the call to serve


  1. Teams are allowed one timeout per set with a two-minute time limit.


  1. 6 players on the court.

  1. Server must stand behind the end line, and must remain behind the end line when the ball is struck.

  1. Each player can only serve once per full rotation.

  1. If the ball hits the net on the serve and proceeds to go over the net, the ball is in play.

  1. Must wait for the ref's signal and whistle to serve the ball.

  1. Each side has 3 hits to get the ball over, a block is not a hit.

  1. If two or more players get in contact with the ball at the same time it is considered one play and either player can hit the next play as long as it is not on the fourth hit.

  1. Double hits are not allowed (Ex. It cannot hit the player's face then the player's hand or the player's chest and then the player's arm)

  2. A carry is defined as extended contact with the ball when the palms of hands are facing upwards (pushing in a certain direction) or downwards (lifting up) Must be clean and quick contact.

  1. Finger roll does not count as a carry or as a hit. If a player attempts to block the ball and touches it and it continues on to their side, this does not count as part of the original 3 touches.

  1. If the ball hits/skims the ceiling during a play, but remains on the same team's side a player can play on it. However, the team must still return the ball within 3 hits. If the ball hits/skims the ceiling during a play and goes on the opposing team's side it is a point for the other team.

  1. If the ball hits the ceiling on a receive, it is out and a point for the other team.

  1. Ball should be thrown under the net when giving it to the other team.


  1. Every player on the team has to play each game.

  2. Every team should have a maximum of 12 players (In order to keep it fair for each player and so that everyone has playing time). More than 12 players results in creating a second team for the same Church.

  3. If a team is down players they can play up to 4 minimum, but if less than four players then it is a forfeit and they cannot add any players from the outside.

  4. After the schedule is set, if a team cannot make it then it is a forfeit.


  1. Players cannot carry the ball through the air on an attack/spike or extended amount of time that is not a fluid and quick motion


  1. No blocking the ball on a serve (front row cannot jump and have feet come off the floor on receiving a serve, both feet must stay planted)

  1. Players are/are not allowed to cross their foot onto the other side of the net during game play this results n a point for the other team, but their foot can touch the centerline

  1. Player can hit ball after it is in contact with the net

  1. Player must contact the ball on her own side of the net, but may in the course of the follow through reach over (but not touch) the net.

  1. Players cannot touch the net during their play with the other team or else it is a point against them.


  1. Ball hitting the line is considered in.

  1. Line referees on opposite sides of the court

  1. Ball outside not touching the line is out

  1. Ball is out if it touches the pole.

  1. Ball can unintentionally hit a player on any part of the body but the player cannot intentionally hit or kick the ball

  1. Referees have final say on whether a ball is in or out. If there is confusion referees communicate with line judges and referees still have final say.


  1. Referees in charge of writing down the points for each team after each set! (This will help point out differentials or anything that may cause issues in the future, etc.)

  1. Whatever team is in charge of reffing must have two line-judges and a score-keeper (chosen ahead of time)


  1. 20 mins talk/discussion halfway into the tournament, treated as a halftime

  2. Hymns

  3. Spiritual games

RECORD BOOK: Keeps all records. (Points, team, rosters, fouls. etc.)


  • Scoreboard (CYC electronic scoreboard/ backup manual one)

  • Flags for line judges

  • Net

  • Extra pumped volleyballs in volleyball wheel or bag

  • White board displaying Current game and following game

  • Another white board with games for the day

  • Whistles for referees

  • Pump

(Equipment bag: Balls, whistle, pump, board, manual board, and flags)